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Respiratory-restore! Pear with Chuen-Pui Tea

Relieving Coughs. Hydrating The Lungs

The Pear + Chuen-Pui combination is renowned for its abilities in relieving coughs, hydrating the lungs, and clearing away phlegm. This delightful, comforting beverage offers a pleasing warmth, soothing sensation, and satisfying taste!

Honeymoon Dessert Canada - Winterlicous Healthy Hot Drinks - Respiratory-restore! Pear with Chuen-Pui Tea

清肺潤喉 川貝雪梨茶


梨子+川貝的組合,以止咳潤肺、祛痰聞名。 喝一杯川貝雪梨茶能夠令人感到舒適以及滋潤。

加拿大滿記甜品 - 元気熱飲 - 清肺潤喉 川貝雪梨茶
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